D365: Add business day(s) to specific date considering weekends and public holidays

Recently, we got a requirement to add business days/working days to specific date considering weekends and public holidays defined in CRM system and get the next working day. Below is the workdays and working hours defined in the CRM system: Fridays and Saturdays are considered as week off. Below are the list of holidays defined … Continue reading D365: Add business day(s) to specific date considering weekends and public holidays

Add specific tag to the XML file only if it doesn’t exist using XSLT

Recently, while working on XML source component of SSIS Kingswaysoft, we got a requirement that there could be a scenario in which a specific tag would be missing in the XML source which is mandatory. We were supposed to add the tag if it's missing in the input XML. There could me many other ways … Continue reading Add specific tag to the XML file only if it doesn’t exist using XSLT